Teaching is a form of learning. I am very thankful for my wonderful students who taught me a lot.
I worked as an art educator in Portugal and in the US for about 20 years and I had students of age 2-82. I taught Film, Jewelry Making, Dance, Theater, Movement and Visual Expression, and Set Design in a variety of settings.

Set Design Workshop for middle school students at IS98.

The Brooklyn Arts Council invited me to- work with middle school students to create the set for the presentation of the "The Little Shop of Horrors".

Set Design Workshop for middle school students at IS98.

Special Day at MS 224,

Special Day at MS 224

Special Day at MS 224

Short Film created by middle school students during the Film Camp of the Educational Video Center

Short Film created by middle school students during the Film Camp of the Educational Video Center

Short Film created by middle school students during the Film Camp of the Educational Video Center